Saturday, September 15, 2007

So you think you can chase a Donkey??? We need you!!!

Hi peeps! We have a situation... this is what happened...

"Farmer John Doe is in trouble and needs your help! Farmer Doe lives in the Kingdom of "DO", and he is King Dominic's stable-master. This morning, he has found that the King's favorite donkey has gone missing! We don't have much time left before the King's dinner! Help Farmer Doe find back the King's Donkey throughout the city or lose a fortune locating 15 valuable items with the letters "D" and "O" to present to the King in restitution!"

We gotta help my friend, lest his head roll!

So in all good faith, we have organised an Island-wide Donkey Search! (More heads are better than one! .... No, I don't mean more heads to be chopped by the King for losing his precious Donkey!)


Date: 23rd September 2007

Time: Dawn to Dusk (1.00 pm to 6.00pm)

Location: Island Wide

We gotta find the Donkey before the King's dinner, if not, Farmer Doe will be dinner, and we may need to find condiments to go with him....Yew, gross!

So Let's find that Donkey!

Anyone feels qualified or up to the task of being a "Donkey Chaser", do drop me a mail at or tag me on the Cbox on the right!

On behalf of Farmer Doe, thank you for your no .. we mean your eyes!

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