Friday, August 31, 2007

Today marks the last lesson of the School of Theology 2007. It comes with mix feelings. On one hand, I'm happy that we are ready to progress into the marketplace to do great things for God, to serve Him with all our hearts with all that we have acquired, mentally, physically and spiritually.

On the other hand (this being the bigger hand), I'm really sad that it has to end. Beyond all the lectures and practical, its the Praise and Worship every morning; the tangible presence of God; the daily sessions with lecturers that we can look up to; the rushed breaks and fellowship that I will really miss.

It was short yet it throughly impacted and changed my life.

Imagine, everyday, making a renewed commitment to God, to life, to each other. How not to cry and hope for the best for your fellow brothers and sisters?

I can only imagine great things for all the graduates, especially all those from north east Asia, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Brunei, Sri Lanka....

I will think of you and pray for you everyday.

While writing this post, the song below came to mind. The lyrics don't really fit what i'm trying to convey, but the emotions does.

It's one of longing for reunion, one of controlled sadness and belief that one day, somewhere out there in the mission field, we will meet again.

We will meet again, in the storm, or back at the harbor!

We will meet again....

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